130 – Known by God!

Christianity 101
130 – Known by God!

Many years ago, I started a Christian publication, a newsletter, called “The Christian Crier,” which announced upcoming Christian events in my region. As a result, I became somewhat well known in the area because of the publication. 

One time I was at a meeting of Christian men and women, and during break-time, I was talking with a group of people. Now picture this, we were all wearing name tags identifying who we were. One of them heard that I was from a town called Hopewell Junction, and he responded by saying, “Do you know a friend of mine his name is Vic Torres he does the Christian Crier newsletter.” What struck me was that I did not know him, and yet he said I was his friend. I was so embarrassed for him that I put my hand over my name tag so that he wouldn’t realize who I was. You see, he knew of me, but I did not know him! He may have known about me, but we had no relationship.

As Christians, we often ask, “Do you know Jesus?” when in fact, a more important question should be, “does Jesus know you?”Show More


