107/53 Purpose – Holy Spirit Power

Christianity 101
107/53 Purpose – Holy Spirit Power

Purpose – Holy Spirit Power


In the last few posts/episodes, we’ve been talking about finding your purpose in God and using Jesus’ life as a pattern for finding our purpose.


As I said in my last post when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, the Scriptures clearly state that Heaven was opened, and the Spirit came down like a dove. What is important to realize is that Heaven was open because the Holy Spirit came down. In Jesus’s case, the Holy Spirit came down upon him. In our case, when we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior the Holy Spirit comes to live in us. This means that we live under an open heaven just as Jesus did! By the phrase “open heaven,” I mean we have access to the Lord, and fellowship and communication is available to us.

Unfortunately, many Christians live under the impression that Heaven is closed. Nothing could be further from the truth. We may be unaware that Heaven is open, but nevertheless, Heaven is available to us because of the Holy Spirit in us. There is a direct connection between the Lord in Heaven and the Holy Spirit living in us, for they are One.

Jesus makes this “open heaven” clear when He encountered Nathaniel in John 1:51, He said the following, “Most assuredly, I say to you, hereafter you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.” The word angel means messenger; communications were open between the Father and Jesus. In the same way, communication is open between the Father and the Believer.Show More


